Reliability-Centered Maintenance

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Product Description

Reliability-centred Maintenance is a process used to determine – systematically and scientifically – what must be done to ensure that physical assets continue to do what their users want them to do. Widely recognised by maintenance professionals as the most cost-effective way to develop world-class maintenance strategies, RCM leads to rapid, sustained and substantial improvements in plant availability and reliability, product quality, safety and environmental integrity. The author and his associates have helped users to apply RCM and its more modern derivative, RCM2, on more than 600 sites in 32 countries.

These sites include all types of manufacturing (especially automobile, steel, paper, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food manufacturing, utilities (water, gas and electricity), armed forces, building services, mining telecommunications and transport. This book summarises this experience in the form of an authoritative and completely practical description of what RCM2 is and how it should be applied. The second edition has been comprehensively revised to incorporate the most recent developments in this field.

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