Product Description
This book of questions, exercises and problems has been prepared to accompany the textbook, A Concepts-based Introduction to Financial Accounting, by David Kolitz. It has corresponding chapters for ease of reference. Questions, Exercises and Problems in Financial Accounting can also be used independently of the Kolitz text as a tutorial tool for financial accounting courses at a tertiary level.
The questions are multiple choice and ensure understanding of a topic before moving on to the exercises and problems. The exercises are generally shorter and less complex than the problems, and can be used to develop proficiency in a topic in which students are expected to reach the standard of the problems. Where the level of the course dictates, the exercises can be used instead of the problems. The problems are longer and more complex in nature, requiring an in-depth understanding of the topic. In addition, there are three revision sets (after chapters 10, 16 and 21) which provide comprehensive coverage of material covered in earlier chapters. These are also excellent exam preparation material.