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SKU: 9780627036699 Category:

Product Description

Sociology will always remain a dynamic and living science due to its roots in the study of the human condition with reference to human action and interaction. Nursing sociology aims to understand society and how individuals function within it, within the health sector and specifically within the current nursing scenario, in order to provide holistic patient care.

Nursing sociology presents a multicultural perspective, reflecting on South Africa’s diversity and explaining complex sociological ideas in a way that is easy to follow. In this 6th edition, substantial attention has been given to aspects of socialisation, social interaction, structure and relationships, social stratification, group dynamics, institutions, organisations and social problems encountered in nursing practice. Pertinent examples of the manifestation of sociology in the nursing profession and its practice as currently experienced in South Africa are also included. Activities allow students to debate issues arising from sociology in the nursing context in group format in order to promote creative thinking and comprehension.

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Author :



Van Schaik


7-8 Days