Labour Relations Law: A Comprehensive Guide 7th Edition

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SKU: 9781776173846 Category:

Product Description

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a student just starting out, Labour Relations Law: A Comprehensive Guide is the ultimate labor publication.

It provides detailed and in-depth commentary on the main South African labor statutes, including the Labor Relations Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, and Employment Equity Act. Get a comprehensive overview of statutory labor law and case law, with detailed coverage of critical issues that offer a greater understanding of the database within and the socio-historical context of South African Labor. Get your copy today and stay ahead of the curve.

This product is available in print, ebook and online format. Online format must be added to a base package. Price depends on package selected. Select ‘Request a quote’ and a sales agent will contact you.

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Author :


Lexis Nexis


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