Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

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SKU: 9780262044233 Category:

Product Description

A short, rigorous introduction to intermediate microeconomic theory that offers worked-out examples, tools for solving exercises, and algebra support. This book takes a concise, example-filled approach to intermediate microeconomic theory. It avoids lengthy conceptual description and focuses on worked-out examples and step-by-step solutions. Each chapter presents the basic theoretical elements, reducing them to their main ingredients, and offering several worked-out examples and applications as well as the intuition behind each mathematical assumption and result. The book provides step-by-step tools for solving standard exercises, offering students a common approach for solving similar problems. The book walks readers through each algebra step and calculation, so only a basic background in algebra and calculus is assumed. The book includes 140 self-assessment exercises, giving students an opportunity to apply concepts from previous worked-out examples.

Additional information

Author :


MIT Press

Year of publication:

Module Code


2-3 Weeks