Ethics Can

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Product Description

The exercise to fill in the blank, “Ethics Can ________”, would no doubt give rise to numerous different responses. Another perspective based on all that workplace Ethics Can realise and deliver is to recognise that “Ethics Can” is the full sentence.

Ethics Can build trust; it can create pleasant, productive workplaces that are characterised by high levels of fairness, respect, accountability and responsibility; it can foster sound relationships with internal and external stakeholders; it can position the organisation as an employee of choice, attracting and retaining the best talent, it can boost the organisations reputation and brand equity; it can create a high degree of customer and investor confidence; and it can and should be a key differentiator that accords ethical organisations a unique source of competitive advantage.

In short, Ethics Can make all the difference – which is a difference that is sorely needed.

The book includes various practical exercises, checklists and guidelines, suggested workplace discussions, case studies and commentaries, and further reading.

The title of this book, “Ethics Can”, lives up to its promise. In addition to dealing with more recent issues such as cybercrime, social media and supply chain, the content is an illustration of how ethics permeates every aspect of the workplace. The book is packed with practical examples, and each chapter contains useful questions for workplace discussions and recommended reading. That the author eats, sleeps and breathes ethics shines through. If you are uncertain about how to take ethics from concept to implementation, read this book. And keep it for regular future reference.

—Ansie Ramalho, Chief Executive Officer, The Institute of Directors in Southern Africa

Cynthia Schoeman is at the forefront of promoting business ethics in South Africa. Drawing on her extensive knowledge and experience, she has written an exceptional book. It offers a clear and systematic treatment of business ethics, and is laced with valuable insights and practical suggestions.

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