Counselling for African Contexts: Transformative Approaches

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SKU: 9780190731182 Category:

Product Description

Counselling for African contexts: Transformative approaches is a new psychology textbook intended for students enrolled in courses on counselling theories and psychotherapy as part of a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) degree or a Bachelor of Psychology degree as well as on graduate programmes in a range of disciplines. The abundance of case material and practical discussion ensures the book is also of value to practitioners across the health professions.

The book covers a range of counselling approaches for transforming peoples lives in African contexts. As such, users of the book will acquire context-sensitive counselling skills that are responsive to their clients life worlds. In addition to new case studies in each chapter, three case studies are introduced in Chapter 1 and then referred to in subsequent chapters so that users are able to consider how to apply different theoretical frameworks to the same case and draw their own conclusions about context-specific best practice.

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Oxford University Press


7-8 Days