Chemistry3: Introducing inorganic, organic and physical chemistry 3rd Edition

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Product Description

Chemistry³ establishes the fundamental principles of all three strands of chemistry; organic, inorganic and physical. By building on what students have learned at school, using carefully-worded explanations, annotated diagrams and worked examples, it presents an approachable introduction to chemistry and its relevance to everyday life.

  • The most approachable and engaging introduction to chemistry available.
  • Chemistry³ spans all three strands of chemistry – organic, inorganic and physical – to provide unrivalled coverage across the full breadth of the field.
  • The author team comprises organic, inorganic and physical chemists, together with chemistry educators, ensuring the text is approachable and engaging while being uniformly authoritative throughout.
  • Abundant full-colour diagrams provide visual reinforcement of the text.
  • Takes a mechanistic approach to organic chemistry, making it unique amongst introductory chemistry texts.
  • The carefully-layered approach of Chemistry³ builds on the students’ prior knowledge to support the transition between school and university-level chemistry, providing them with a firm understanding of the fundamental principles on which they can build later studies.
  • Context boxes and photographs throughout the book highlight examples of chemistry in our everyday lives, engaging students and reminding them of the central role that chemistry plays in our society.
  • The structured maths support helps students get to grips with the often daunting – yet essential – mathematical element of chemistry.
  • Cross-references highlight the connections between each strand of chemistry to help students develop an understanding of the subject as a whole.
  • Worked examples show students how to plan a strategy for solving problems.
  • Questions at the end of each chapter encourage students to cement what they have learnt, and challenge them to go further in their thinking around the topic.
  • Chemistry³ is supported by a full teaching and learning multimedia package including interactive exercises which encourage students to actively learn, videos of molecular structures, and screencasts in which authors talk through selected examples and key reaction mechanisms step-by-step, clearly linking theory to practice.
  • Also available as an e-book with functionality, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support

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Author :


Oxford University Press
