Chemistry – The Molecular Nature of Matter (Paperback, 7th Edition International Student Version)

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Product Description

Chemistry, Seventh Edition provides the necessary practice, support, concept mastery and individualized instruction that ensure success in the General Chemistry course.

The unique “chemical tools” approach employed in this book provides a way of thinking that helps readers develop the ability to analyze and solve both mathematical and conceptual problems.

New to This Edition:

  • Completely revised end-of-chapter problem sections
  • Chapter Openers include more real-world relevance/connections
  • New Chapter 0 provides optional “refresher” information for students about the history of chemistry: coverage of the elements, atomic structure, and theory.
  • New Analyzing & Solving Multi-Concept problems and examples have been added throughout the text. These problem and examples are also now briefer and more concise.
  • New Learning Objectives have been added to provide an outline at the beginning of each chapter.
  • New End-of-Chapter Summaries review key chapter concepts, also organized by Learning Objectives.

The Wiley Advantage

  • WileyPLUS is a research-based online environment for effective teaching and learning. WileyPLUS is packed with interactive study tools and resources–including the complete online textbook–to give your students more value for their money.
  • WileyPLUS is now equipped with an adaptive learning module called ORION. Based on cognitive science, WileyPLUS with ORION, provides students with a personal, adaptive learning experience so they can build their proficiency on topics and use their study time most effectively. WileyPLUS with ORION helps students learn by learning about them.
  • Analyzing and Solving Multi-Concept Problems
  • Four-step problem solving framework: “Analysis”, “Solution”, “Assembling the Tools”, and “Is the Answer Reasonable?”
  • Tools for Problem Solving – basic skills are presented as tools (marked by icons) that can be combined in a variety of ways to solve complex problems
  • End of chapter problems feature more visuals/molecular structures and provide a wide range of difficulty.

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