Bringing It Home

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SKU: 9780620996563 Categories: ,

Product Description

The recipes in “Bringing it Home” are inviting. sparked with love and precisely what you need to delight family and friends.
They are a reflection of our love for food, travel, entertaining and most certainly, eating delicious food.

The recipes featured here give you free reign to put together your own feasts, whether it is for two people or ten, if you are having a ladies’ brunch, an intimate picnic, a big fat Indian dinner or anything in between.

They are recipes that you‘re sure to return to again and again!
We hope this book will be the one you pick up when you decide to get into the kitchen.
One thing is certain — you‘ll never walk away hungry!

Cool as Ice
AI Fresco Fare
Italian Country Cooking Our Big Fat Indian Spread Dinner Party
Cozy Basics
Sweet Treats


• Over 85+ recipes!

• Easy to follow recipes.
Anyone (expert OR novice) will be able to make the dishes.

• Ingredients used in this recipe book are readily available and will result in great flavour combinations.

• Recipes in the book are tried and tested! (Some dishes are sold from our kitchen daily).

• A large variety of recipes so there is something for every occasion!

• There‘s a picture for every recipe.

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