Administrative Justice in South Africa 2nd Edition

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Product Description

Administrative Justice in South Africa 2e offers a clear, comprehensive and applied explanation of the principles and framework of administrative justice in South Africa. The text addresses both judicial and non-judicial means for control and enforcement, as well as procedural aspects of administrative law. Practical in its approach, the text provides valuable focus on the application of principles in case law, problem-solving methodology and specific procedural aspects of administrative justice.

The second edition includes a new, unique chapter that considers the implications of administrative justice for the creation of administrative mandates, as opposed to mere control of administrative action once taken, thus employing administrative justice in a more proactive manner.

The text offers a clear pedagogical framework that develops independent, critical and reflective engagement with the subject matter. A strong conceptual and enquiring approach enriches knowledge and engages re aders in an interactive, topical and challenging manner. Additional, high-value educational resources support learning and teaching, further assisting students to develop the academic skills required to master their studies.

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Oxford University Press


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