A Journey of Diversity & Inclusion in South Africa

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A Journey of Diversity & Inclusion in South Africa is a groundbreaking new book that addresses inequality, prejudice, injustice, racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination in society, and in particular the workplace, in a positive way.

Using entertaining stories from her own experience and a light-hearted writing style, diversity expert Nene Molefi offers a comprehensive approach to help any organisation achieve a more inclusive and positive working environment. In A Journey of Diversity & Inclusion in South Africa, Nene Molefi unpacks:

• How environments can disempower: Social differentials and micro-inequities

• How to create an enabling environment and use the power of informal networks

• Why there is no “one-size-fits-all’ approach to transformation

• Why it’s vital to open dialogue to understand cultural differences

• Why transformation cannot rely only on a few individuals: Systemic change is needed

• How to handle transformation fatigue

• Why you should let others define Employment Equity for your performance

• Understanding pain of exclusion

• The importance of resilience
o How to overcome feelings of inadequacy

• Why transformation is everyone’s responsibility

• How to build cultural capital

• Why no one walks this journey alone

• Understanding we all make mistakes: Learn to apologise

• Why you shouldn’t give up the fight

“The ideas and experiences shared by author Nene Molefi speak directly to the troubling prejudices and inequities that persist in our world.  Diversity and inclusion are more pressing than ever. Injustices and deep social divisions persist, personally and systemically. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of fear and hatred are not isolated. They remain embedded and they demand courageous, deliberate work. In this book, Nene uses her own story to cast a bright light on the transformation journey. Nene’s book quite vulnerably takes the reader on Nene’s personal journey.  In addition to the deeply personal content, each chapter ends with practical guidelines on how to lead inclusively. Nene’s book offers hope and substance in our vision of a diverse and inclusive and just society.” —Justice Edwin Cameron


“This is a deeply authentic personal narrative offering powerful and practical insights, from one of South Africa’s foremost advisors on diversity and transformation. It should be required reading for any leader who is serious about effectively transforming their organisation.”

Dr Jonathan Broomberg, CEO, Discovery Health

“A Journey of Diversity & Inclusion in South Africa will enable all of us to meaningfully interpret and articulate our own biases, narratives and the contributions we can make to heal our fractured nation.”

Prof Nicola Kleyn, Dean, University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)

“It is no longer good enough to say diversity is an asset. Leaders are expected to lead the way of inclusion, live the values and thereby define the DNA of their organisation.”

Bongani Nqwababa, Joint President & CEO, Sasol Limited

“Mind-opening for those yet to be convinced of the need for transformation, and helpful to those who are already committed to transformation but are not sure how to play a part. This book will empower willing transformers!”

Thulani Sibeko, Executive for Marketing, Communications and Corporate Affairs, Nedbank

“Nene Molefi offers a personal and professional model that will benefit anyone who wants to make a difference in this world.”

Julie O’Mara, President, Centre for Global Inclusion, Co-author Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks, Former National President, Association for Talent Development

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